Free Game Spinner (1-10)
Box it Up
Game Set-Up:
Each player draws up a game board like this.
What You Need:
1 game spinner
1 game board for each player
2 to 4 Players
How to Play:
- One of the players spins the spinner and each player places the resulting number into one of their boxes.
- Players then take it in turns to spin the spinner and each time, all the players choose which OF THEIR boxes to put their number into.
- When the numbers in a box add to a multiple of ten the box can be SHIPPED! Players can show this however you see fit – a cross through the box is quick and easy.
- Players continue to take it in turns to generate numbers until all of their boxes have been shipped.
How to Win:
- Be the first player to ship all of their boxes.
- Students keep a cumulative total beneath each box to maintain the pace of the game. (Discuss – How does this strategy aid accuracy and efficiency?
- Encourage students to pay attention to the calculations of their opponent to ensure they are not shipping prematurely.
- Vary the number of boxes used in the game
- Play using a different multiple to ship each box. Beware – multiples of two tend to produce very short rounds! 😉
- Players spin the spinner twice per turn, first for tens then for units to generate a two-digit number.
- Players begin with a total of 50 in each box and spin to generate numbers to subtract. Once a box is empty the box can be shipped.